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Take Me Home Program

The Take Me Home program is a database maintained by the Waco Police Department Communications Division for adults and children who may have difficulty communicating due to a developmental or cognitive disability.
This is a FREE service offered to developmentally and cognitively disabled citizens and is available for all residents of McLennan County.

Who Can Enroll

Any adult or child who may have difficulty communicating due to a developmental or cognitive disability. Individuals that tend to be at risk for wandering may include people with disabilities such as Alzheimer's, Autism, Dementia, Down Syndrome etc.


We require anyone enrolling an individual be either a family member or legal guardian of the individual.


Registration Form

You will find downloadable information about the program and how to register an individual online and a registration form (PDF) that you may download and fill out then either mail or bring the completed form to the Waco Police Department at 721 N 4th Street (4th and Waco Drive). This form will not be accepted by email.


This information is available on both the City of Waco’s website and McLennan County’s website.

Further Information

For any further questions, please contact Jayni Sykora at the Waco Police Department Communications Division by phone at 254-750-7654 or email.




For Texas families and parents of children with disabilities or special health-care needs, extensive lists of resources and links to services.



Quick Resource Guide  (en Espanol)    A Guide to Services offered to the public by Texas Health and Human services Agencies




Arc of Texas


Coalition of Texans with Disabilities


Disability Rights Texas (Formerly ADVOCACY INC.)


Texas Autism Council


Texas Autism Research and Resource Center


Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education (TCASE)


Texas Parent to Parent


Texas Project F.I.R.S.T.  (Families, Information, Research, Support and Training) 

website for parents of children receiving special education services.

Texas Statewide Leadership Autism Training   

Free online training as well as many other resources for educators, parents and professionals. CEUs available.

Positive Behavior Supports Corporation  

Positive behavior support is an Individualized, research-based process that incorporates the principles of applied behavior analysis and person and family-centered practices. The overarching goal is to produce lasting changes in the quality of life of the people we serve. It involves conducting a comprehensive assessment to develop interventions in collaboration with family members, educators, direct services providers, and others caring for the individual.

IDEA Handbook
Texas Autism Supplement
(HCS, CLASS, MDCP, TxHmL, DBMD, CBA/StarPlus, etc)

A Medicaid waiver allows the state to be more flexible in how it spends money to provide some long-term services to some people with disabilities who are eligible for Medicaid. In the past, people had to be in nursing homes/facilities or other large institutions for Medicaid to pay for long-term services. Waivers override certain rules for how Medicaid funding can be used. If they meet the eligibility requirements, people can get the services they need in their own homes or other community settings, instead of having to go into a nursing facility or institution. In Texas, there are several different waiver programs that offer a broad range of home and community-based services to people with disabilities. There are different rules and funding amounts for each of the different waivers.


What are Medicaid Waivers? Texas Medicaid Waivers Explained (website)

A Roadmap to Understanding Texas Medicaid Waivers


Texas Long-Term Supports and Services Waiver Programs

Comparison Chart (as of Feb 2015) Compares Medicaid Waiver programs, eligibility requirements, etc.

Advocacy / Civil Rights / Criminal Justice

Special Education Information Center

Coalition of Texans with Disabilities


Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund


Disability Rights Texas (Formerly ADVOCACY INC.)

Links to websites of School Districts in Region 12 (McLennan and surrounding Counties)

IDEA Partnership


Office of Civil Rights (Federal: US Dept of Education) 


Orienting Young People with Exceptional Needs about the Juvenile Justice System:  videos and printed resources for families and youth, developed by the Ohio State Bar Foundation


Out Of The Box Services: Special Education Advocates  (Waco) Contact: 254-227-8828  


Partners Resource Network (PRN) - non-profit agency operating the Texas statewide network of Parent Training and Information Centers (funded by the US Dept of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) 


Southern Disability Law Center has published a report, "Keeping Students with Disabilities in School: Legal Strategies and Effective Educational Practices for Preventing the Suspension of Students with Disabilities"

Students with disabilities are presently suspended at rates much higher than students without disabilities in many school districts across Texas. This Resource Manual, intended for parents and educators, addresses legal strategies under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and effective educational practices for preventing the disciplining of students with disabilities.


Texas Project F.I.R.S.T.  (Families, Information, Research, Support and Training) website for parents of children receiving special education services.


The Autism Supplement:  The Commissioner’s Rules on IEP development for students with autism-TAC 89.1055(e) --- Texas law requires that ARD committees consider and address eleven critical needs for each student identified with Autism as well as  the need for qualified personnel who have adequate training to carry out the strategies.  CLICK HERE for a checklist to take to your next ARD meeting that lists each strategy and ARD Committee consideration and decision  regarding implementation, along with TEA guidance and commentary on each of the 11 points.



Childcare for Special Needs Children

"Child Care Providers in Your Area" a Statewide searchable database of child care providers. -One of the search criteria is children with special needs. - online registry of caregivers/respite/babysitters - Special Needs Online Registry of Childcare/Respite/Babysitters

Medical / Dental / Mental Health
American Academy of Pediatrics

"Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians"

Toolkit developed to support health care professionals in the identification and ongoing management of children with autism spectrum disorders.


"Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders" 

To assist pediatricians in educating families and guiding them toward empirically supported interventions for their children,  reviews the educational strategies and associated therapies that are the primary treatments for children with ASD.


"Identification and Evaluation of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders"  

Clinical report provides information, resources and tools for  health care professionals in identifying children with ASDs as early as possible.


"Identifying Infants and Young Children With Developmental Disorders in the Medical Home"

An Algorithm for Developmental Surveillance and Screening Guideline provides information for health care professionals in  developing a pattern and practice for addressing developmental concerns in children from birth through 3 years of age

CDC’s On-line Autism Training



ESC Region12


IDEA Partnership


Just In Time Disaster Training Library

The Disaster Resistant Communities Group provides a wide array of disaster planning and preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation services to local government agencies and departments as well as community and faith based organizations.

Technical Assistance
Transition to Adulthood

Texas A&M "Bridge to Career" Program for Adults with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities


Think College! - Texas Resources For Students with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities


Transition in Texas

UT/Austin Classes for Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Burkhart Transition Academy

The Burkhart Transition Academy provides post-secondary educational strength-based assessment and programming to aid in the successful transition of people with ASD into higher education, vocational or other settings. Classes for young adults with ASD who have completed high school meet five days per week to teach life skills, job skills, and social skills.

For more information please contact Janice Magness at 806-834-3725 or

Learn more about the Transition Academy

Sleep Help for Those Diagnosed With ASD

Sleep Help

A resource specifically for helping children and adults with autism to get better sleep

Training Resources
Funding Resources

The Heart of Texas Autism Network, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation based in Waco Texas,  aids children and adults affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), their families and the community in the Heart of Central Texas area.

© 2017 Heart of Texas Autism Network

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